Kindergarten 3

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Game information

Kindergarten 3

When a young child appears at any kind of social environment, be it a high school or even a kindergarten, he/she has no idea what is waiting for him/her. However, being used to mild and calm home, a child realizes that this place is quite different and the rules here are stricter. There are too many other people around, some are the equals, the others are adults, who track that all the rules are followed, etc. There is a system of punishment and ways to be loyal in order to avoid it. What is more, there are ways to gain approbation and acceptance and these are the years, where children learn these tricks to use them in the further life. However, from the very first days, a child with a rich imagination can perceive the environment as something fantastic and exaggerated. The nursery governess may become a jailer while the rules of social behavior may seem like something you want to rebel against.

The game Kindergarten depicts a story that reveals such a crazy and naïve vision of a kindergarten as a variant of a “jail”, where you have to fight for your life and survive in an extremely hostile place. There are other children here and you will compete with them. Generally, there are two main lines in the game: puzzle solving and surviving. The title will offer a great deal of interesting and brain wracking tasks that will come to taste for every gamer, who values complicated puzzles. However, the mad teachers seem to be trying to kill the students, so you will also have to run away from them and do everything to save your life. This part is the third in the series. You will find numerous new puzzles here, but the overall story and gameplay is the same as you know it from two previous ones.

Fight, solve puzzles, and have fun (if you can). During the story, you will meet numerous characters – some strange, some funny, and the other are even frightening. Some of your friends will disappear and you will see the blood spilt on the floor. So the atmosphere is pretty striking, as you have already understood. You will have to figure out what is happening here and how to stand against these horrors. And puzzles, don’t forget about the puzzles – they are the best part of the game, because the developers did their best to make the tasks pretty original and though provoking. Get into the game and feel yourself as a character of a crazy story! Stay alive!

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