Kindergarten Ending

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Game information

Kindergarten v1.3

Kindergarten Ending

We’re used to thinking that kindergartens are the safest place for the children where they are constantly being watched and taken care of. But sometimes real horrors can happen even here. This game will tell you the story of one very bizarre kindergarten where strange things are occurring.

At first, you’ll play as a kid who started noticing unexplainable stuff. His friends he used to play with started disappearing. Perhaps they fell ill and stayed at home? Or got transferred to another kindergarten? But these logical explanations eventually fall to pieces when new details are added to the crime picture.

For instance, you see the cleaner constantly wiping off some ominous red spots. Is it blood?.. If so, than who is the killer? You suspect it might be the nurse who has always showed her despise towards children and tyrannized them in every way she could. Now you have to investigate the situation. But how will you do that providing that every child has a special gadget that tracks their moves? It’s up to you to find the right solution!

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